Here are some of my latest efforts. Others are already gone because friends saw them and took them. (I must teach them how to knit and crochet). But I was flattered and anyway, one has only one neck.
OK, the one on the left is made from one $1 ball of deep purple bouclé in a double crochet with skipping every other stitch - 7 inches wide and as long as the ball lasted. Then I wove a multi colored "novelty" yarn through the holes and also made tassels. I actually made one knitted scarf of this stuff and it is a " b * t c h " to work with. It looks like a little black thread ladder inter spaced with colored silky threads which love to tangle or unravel, and no matter how careful you are with knitting needles or crocheting (practically impossible - the loopy effect makes it hard to keep track of the stitches), it is very frustrating to process. Not recommended, but great for tassels and weaving through. And fortunately it was cheap. All this yarn is from Big Lots, so you know I paid very little.
The shawl on the right is of a very "hairy" multicolored yarn. There is a slit in it, a third way in, so that one end can be pulled through the other. But you can skip that because with all the fluff going on, you can hardly see the slit. I added the same bothersome yarn tassels but this time I tied opalescent beads in them. Perhaps this is a bit clearer on the photo at the bottom, and clicking on the photos allows a larger view.
The middle one is made from a ball of dark brown bouclé yarn, thinner than the purple yarn, and I knitted it in stockinette about 5 inches wide and about 2 yards long. Then I crocheted from beige wool and beige speckly cotton all kinds of different motives: flowers, stars, peace symbols, etc., and sewed them on with black thread - almost invisible - and added some tassels. For more detailed instructions click on the link.
They were all easy and fun to make and they keep me warm, these freezing days when I go out foraging.
For details click on HOW DO I DO THAT?
~ Tranquility and Tolerance ~